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A FREEWARE website for getting something out of twitter® ...  


Welcome to Pokto for Twitter® Statistics

This "Pokto" website is for myself and my online Twitter friends. They know who they are.

I've been tracking some Twitter's user statistics - from which I hope to find trends.
Originally I was doing this manually, but now thank goodness, I can get this site and server doing most of the grunt work for me.

I have noticed some odd behaviour by Twitter...

Current functionality:

  • List of Tracked Users - An internal database keeps a list of twitter users I wish to track.
  • Sample Statistics - Every 15 minutes, using the Twitter Developer API, this web server based App reads the statistics for the Tracked Users and saves or updates them in an internal database.
  • Statistic Changes - the statistic changes are calculated from the prior saved data and the last read twitter data. These changes, if any are saved into a "15 minute delta" database, for each Tracked User.

Current development: (for accounts with less than 10,000 friends or followers)

  • Friends List for Tracked Users - The Friends for each enabled Tracked User will be read daily. This list will then be checked against the prior saved Friends list. From that, added or removed Friends will be detected and added to respective Friends add/remove databases.
  • Added/Removed Friends List - Will be available for display with a granularity of 24 hours. (I hope - time will tell!)
  • Followers List for Tracked Users - The Followers for each enabled Tracked User will be read daily. This list will then be checked against the prior saved Followers list. From that, added or removed Followers will be detected and added to respective Followers add/remove databases.
  • Added/Removed Followers List - Will be available for display with a granularity of 24 hours. (I hope - time will tell!)

GUI is not my forte, so if you can suggest improvements ..
Please contact me if you have any suggestions or bug reports, through the contact button or Forums for Pokto.

All work is use at own risk - ©W. L. Beattie 2019-2020
My thanks to Tim, Lynn, Swampie, Biff, Bear U, Anne, Shanna, Tony, KC, Mare Bear, Sundance, et al - mostly Twitter users who know a helluva' lot more about US politics than I ever will.
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